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Welcome to Tisal Thulu


Maps   (best viewed on a laptop or desktop)

Last updated: 18 April 2024

Tisal Thulu means The Broken Lands, in reference to the Hennugwosh - the crater made when Gilmesh threw down Hibbideth during battle, and from which she emerged to throw him down and subdue him, thereby winning the rule of the 23rd Turning. The lands are rugged and varied, with many cultures and climates.


See the maps below for more detail. You can use the menu on the right for quicker navigation to specific regions or to view maps of cities.

The West

The East

The West

The west is dominated by the central deserts, and by the volcanoes along its central mountain ranges and the eastern coasts.


The southern regions is reputed to be the area in which the sgaes first learned to manipulate the veils of the planes, though it has spread to both continents, and some in the northwest make similar claims.


Life in the west is characterized by large cities and high levels of competition within them. With the aid of Sages, and their mystical superiors, the Mages, the rulers manage to feed a large urban population with less need for agricultural land or other resources.


Regions of the West

Drenden Froon






Drenden Froon.png




Kikali Du Grenta



Barnsweyn Upta




Budareena plus 2.png



Irdornubudor plus 2.png

Flaxendwen plus 1.png



Crunot Hormanut

Crunot Hormanut.png



Ardo and Ardunat.png
Etwin Verides

Etwin Verides.png
Budoridu Verdos

Budoridu Verdos.png


The East

Less populated than the West, and with its peoples spread throughout the more hospitable environments, the East is known for residual pockets of the Fey, the Shadow-Dwellers, Earth-Dwellers, and other strange creatures. It is a land of legend and adventure.


Though some from the East travel to the West, the reverse is rarely true. For one thing, the oceanic currents make eastward travel more difficult, for another, few in the West see much merit in experiencing the comparatively infantile cultures of the eastern continent.

Regions of the East

Thul Macha 



The lands to the north of the continent,

named Thul Macha in the lorebooks,

range from arctic to temperate with

regard to climate, and in culture and

technology are varied, but not old

enough to have the depth of lore and

history possessed by the lands farther

to the south.


The Frozen Wastes are trackless, ungoverned regions where only small groups of nomadic hunters roam amid the snowbears and lumbering coastal creatures that can survive the extreme winter months.


On the south of these lands lie The Marches, rough hinterlands where upstart kings and new dynasties strive to carve out legends and legacies of their own. It is ruled by a high king (or more than one in some turbulent times) and is known for frequent wars and changes of regime. All of this violence and intrigue is fuelled by income from natural resources - hardwood lumber in the west, iron and tin mining and summer wheat in the fertile areas around the bay, salt-fish and chorals from the bay itself, and gold and gems hacked from the eastern mountain ranges.


The central bay is treacherous to ships, though some hardy souls venture there to trade. If they survive thw whilrpools and sudden storms, the profits are considerable. The inlet to the bay, on the north end, is graught with floating ice and sharp rocks hidden below the surface of the water.


The isthmus that joins the region to Imlin Thul in the south is a rocky, unhospitable land frequented by merchant caravans and bandits; only a couple of fortified inns make permanent residence there.


Stories that take place in this region include Volumes 1-3 of Legends of Tisal Thulu, and The Chains of Hasputo.



Thul Macha.png



The region of Imlin Thul, or Empty

Lands, belies its name. In reality there

is a significant number of desert

nomads living in the sandy dunes and

coarse grasslands of the north, and

rock-housed communnities of monks,

scribes, and hermit-warriors in the south.​





This region is very dry and sandy, with few inland inhabitants, but some notable settlements along the coast and huddled under the shade of stunted trees in the mountains to the south.


Stories that take place in this region include Sontar and Isra.

Imlin Thul plus 1.png



This island benefits from the trade route

between Thul Macha and Grullimbruk,

taking in significant wealth as ships pass

along the north-south route through

treacherous waters.


The cult of Gilmesh is strong on the island

as well, especially among the warrior-priests.

These keep mainly to themselves, but it is

not unknown for one to be hired out for specialist work in exchange for a high fee. They are forbidden to take gold for their services - but they are fond of land.


The name Evrik-Thum translates roughly as 'Royal Island' or 'Island of the Crown' and local legends have it that the ancient kings had their seat of power there, before that Turning of the Gods. Most other regions consider this foolish self-agrandisement and pay it little heed.


Stories that take place in this region include Sontar and Isra.



[et·thÅ«m or Ä“·thÅ«m]




Evrik Thum plus 1.png
Thuldarsu Muut

[thÅ«l·dar·seh·mÅ«t] or [thÅ«l·dar·sÅ«·mÅ«t]


Known for its love of horses and skill in

mounted archery, warriors from this region

are highly sought-after by mercenary

commanders and political powers alike.


Fond of skin decoration and flambouyant

jewellry, these warriors are unmistakable,

even from a distance, and strike fear into

enemy forces.


But their complex culture has far more than that to offer anyone determined enough to find it.


It is said that their medical and pharmacological knowedge is unsurpassed. Alchemists and enchanters work from hidden clefts and caves in the southeastern mountains of the region, and sometimes these wares find their way to coastal trading centres on both the eastern and western sides of the region.


Stories that take place in this region include Isra.

Thuldarsu Muut.png



These southern lands are home to tangled

brushlands and legends of tall, powerful

warriors who eat the flesh of their victims.


The stark, black cliffs of the southeast and

the giant trees of its southern island seem

to add credence to the tales - as do the

gigantic artefacts avilable in the markets

along the coasts.


The island to the south of the region is home to large lizards whose skins bring great prices in the north, often sold as dragon hide along with their long, hollow teeth.

Few people venture inland, but there are settlements along the southern coasts where settlers from lands east and north have cut out a precarious living from the sea and as stops along the east-west trade routes by sea.


The coasts are rocky and treacherous, and the cliffs high in most areas, so sea travel here is left to the experienced proffessional - or the fool.




Northern Grullimbruk is thick with forest,

but few settlements have been established

there. The port city of Serrin and the fortress

of Hasputo are most notable.


Legends tell of portals to the Feylands, and

travellers to the area tell strange tales, and

sometimes do not return with any tale at all.

Those who must traverse the area, mostly

for trade purposes, tend to stay to the road

and make haste.​


South of Wemtur, also called Welglek, the feel of the land changes significantly, and the population explodes amid a rich, sophisticated culture.


Less populated are the Haunted Lands, guarded by cliffs to the south and mountains to the north, this area is rumoured to be populated by descendents of the gods of old, and the spirits of departed souls.

Thum Saren



This area sees little traffic, as the waters are

notoriously difficult to navigate and many a

ship has torn its hull on the sharp spikes of

rock that jut up from the depths.


Those who claim to have succeeded in

reaching the island, however, tell tales of

opulence and luxury unrivalled in the

northern lands. Warm and sunny, encrusted

with gem-like towns built into cliffsides with

smooth marble pillars and hanging silks.

The travellers speak of women too, more beautiful than the heart can bear, with great skill in combat - and other more pleasurable pursuits. The land is ruled by the greatest of these, a queen of tall stature and grim viseage, who guards her realm with a jealous determination.

Thum Saren.png

More to come...

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