Welcome to Tisal Thulu
Last updated: 17 April 2024
Flora & Fauna
Always developing... so enjoy it today and come back later to check for more details!
I'll start with fauna, because let's face it... they're cool!
Fauna of the North
Prey Animals
Rack Stag
(Rackbuck, Pointer, Big Willam)
These impressive animals are hunted for their meat and antler, but not by the timid. They are fierce in defending themselves and many a hunter has met his fate in the face of one of these big vegetarians.
They range throughout the temperate and arctic regions at all elevations, though they are more commonly found in higher altitudes.
White Stag
(Icestag, Angelstag)
Closely related to the rack stag, the white stag is rare and considered magical. They are sought by the white witches of Blackwood, not for meat, but for the blessing of being able to touch the white hide and place a charm onto the great antlers. A witch that is able to do that is said to be destined for deep commune with nature.
The stags themselves range in the foothills and retreat high into the heights for the summer months.
(Lancer, Mountain Cow, Ruggy)
These compact and hardy beasts are semi-domesticated and are the primary source of meat and dairy products (along with the goat).
Princess Goat
(Princess, Manegoat, Shaggy)
These goats are often trapped in the wild to supplement domestic herds. They are docile and easy to handle most of the year, but are dangerous and unpredictable in the autumn mating season, when both males and females fight for dominance.
Mid-Chain Animals
Grinning Tree Merint
(Purplepaw, Treesprite, Fippin)
Curious and constantly getting into trouble, these forest dwellers are shy around people, but quick to investigate unattended camps, farms, wagons, or anything else alien to their forest homs. They hoot and whistle to each other in the night, and range more quietly in the day, taking frequent naps rather than a long sleep in either phase of the day.
Long-Tailed Skitter
(male at left, female below)
These chittering little animals are often trapped or shot for food. The females are nocturnal and the male diurnal, allowing them to care for young and hunt in shifts.
Grey Skitter
The chunky larger cousin of the other skitters, has more meat, but poorer flavor, than smaller variations. Though it is edible and commonly eaten, it is not a top choice for people's plates.
Eagles, however, love the things above all else.
King's Eagle
(Skydiver, Firebird, Gembird)
The King's eagle is called such because it is illegal in most places for anyone but the king to own or wear the feathers of the great bird - though many have secret feathers hidden in their homes for good luck and protection.
With wing spans of up to 2.5m (8'), the mature adults are forces to be reckoned with, and will even take young goats from stock pens in the presence of the startled farmers.
Their range is almost universal, but they land mainly on inaccessible cliffsides or high in the tallest of trees.
Preditor Animals
(Hellstalker, Shadowcat)
With its distinctive coat and unparalelled stealth, this hunting cat will take down anything from small prey to small adult humans. In the rare cases that two or three band together for hunting, they will take down even adult men, horses, deer, and in rare cases, stags.
They hunt from behind, crushing the spine, when they can. If they can't, they grasp with their front claws and shred with their back ones. Fearsome shrieks in the night mean they are near. Silence means they are sleeping... or hunting.
(Forest King, Tusk Bear)
These big beasts shamble through the forests and mountainsides foraging for grubs and berries, but when opportunity presents itself, there is nothing they won't go after, usually with success, if they can catch it.
They are notoriously difficult to kill, and best left alone. If they scent humans, and are not triggered by too-close proximity or some other factor, they will tend to wander off without a confrontation.